**AxonIvy >= 7.0**
A re-deployment of a PMV with changed or removed Task Switches is possible - except there are running tasks on the changed/removed TaskSwitch. This makes a re-deployment much easier.
If there are still issues, which you think has to be improved, send us a message with the use case. We will analyse and improve it possibly.
**AxonIvy < 7.0**
No, just deleting the Cases/Tasks from the system DB would not help.
There are also entries in the table `IWA_TaskElement`, `IWA_TaskEnd` and `IWA_TaskStart`. So you have to delete the corresponding entry in the `IWA_TaskElement` table too (TaskEnd/Start would be deleted since it the referential integrity). Then the ‘yet implemented’ PMV deployment validation will be fine…
However, you could also leave the Task Switch element inside the process. It needs the same incoming and outgoing arrows, but it does has not to be integrated in the effective process flow.
Basically it’s a known issue and we can optimize the deployment validation, by allowing a re-deployment when there are no running cases/tasks on a corresponding deleted/changed Task Switch. But currently there is nothing planned – if this is a frequent issue, lets us know – so we can discuss/plan required stories - and/or add an entry in the 'most wanted fixes' list.