Webservice calls in Xpert.ivy are by default executed with Axis2. To generate debug log outputs in Axis2 the following VM arguments (stackoverflow) have to be set:
Additional VM arguments can be set in Xpert.ivy within the Launch Configuration (*.ilc file). More informations to launch configurations can be found in the Server Guide, Chapter 8.
If the VM arguments are properly set, the output generated by a webservice call could look as follows:
2013/12/17 08:02:00:003 CET [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.connection.timeout = 600000
2013/12/17 08:02:00:003 CET [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.socket.timeout = 600000
2013/12/17 08:02:00:003 CET [DEBUG] DefaultHttpParams - Set parameter http.socket.timeout = 600000
2013/12/17 08:02:00:003 CET [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - HttpConnectionManager.getConnection: config = HostConfiguration[host=http://zugtstweb:8080], timeout = 0
2013/12/17 08:02:00:003 CET [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - Allocating new connection, hostConfig=HostConfiguration[host=http://zugtstweb:8080]
2013/12/17 08:02:00:003 CET [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Open connection to zugtstweb:8080
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - >> "POST /axis2/services/StockQuoteService.StockQuoteServiceHttpEndpoint/getPrice HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Adding Host request header
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - >> "SOAPAction: ""[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - >> "User-Agent: Axis2[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - >> "Host: zugtstweb:8080[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - >> "Content-Length: 14[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - >> "[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - >> "symbol=myStuff"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] EntityEnclosingMethod - Request body sent
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - << "Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - << "Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - << "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] header - << "Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 07:02:00 GMT[\r][\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "6"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "f"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\r]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "<"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "n"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "s"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << ":getPriceResponse xmlns:ns=""
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "http://quickstart.samples/xsd"><ns:return>42.0</ns:return></ns:getPriceResponse>"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\r]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "0"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\r]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\r]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] content - << "[\n]"
2013/12/17 08:02:00:004 CET [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Resorting to protocol version default close connection policy
2013/12/17 08:02:00:020 CET [DEBUG] HttpMethodBase - Should NOT close connection, using HTTP/1.1
2013/12/17 08:02:00:020 CET [DEBUG] HttpConnection - Releasing connection back to connection manager.
2013/12/17 08:02:00:020 CET [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - Freeing connection, hostConfig=HostConfiguration[host=http://zugtstweb:8080]
2013/12/17 08:02:00:020 CET [DEBUG] IdleConnectionHandler - Adding connection at: 1387263720020
2013/12/17 08:02:00:020 CET [DEBUG] MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager - Notifying no-one, there are no waiting threads
17.12.2013 at 08:16
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
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