With Axon.ivy 6.0 it is possible to see the webservice call SOAP request and response in the designer log! How can I enable this debug log on the engine/server. Webservice Log in Designer

asked 05.09.2016 at 15:49

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

edited 05.09.2016 at 16:04

Just enable WebService SOAP Message logging for a certain application and process model in your log4jconfig.xml configuration file in the configuration folder of your Axon.ivy engine/server.

Replace {application} and {process_model} in the logger name below with the name of the application and process model you want to enable the logging.

Best solution is also to add an own appender which must also have at least the threshold "DEBUG". Set also the additivity=false, so it is only logged to the WebserviceFileLog appender and not to all the appenders configured for the root logger.

<category name="runtimelog.{applicaton}.{process_model}.web_service" class="ch.ivyteam.log.Logger" additivity="false">
  <priority value="DEBUG"/>
  <appender-ref ref="WebserviceFileLog" /> 

<appender name="WebserviceFileLog" class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender">
  <param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
  <param name="File" value="${user.dir}/logs/web_service.log"/>
  <param name="DatePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd"/>
  <layout class="org.apache.log4j.IvyLog4jLayout">
    <param name="DateFormat" value="HH:mm:ss.SSS"/>

answered 05.09.2016 at 15:59

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

edited 05.09.2016 at 16:02

We have tried this in Engine 6.1 but the raw XML request is not logged. Is there something else which needs to be configured to show the raw request data?

(28.09.2016 at 10:53) peters peters's gravatar image

The raw request/response is appended to the log message on DEBUG level only, even the message itself is logged on info-level.

(28.09.2016 at 14:04) Flavio Sadeghi ♦♦ Flavio%20Sadeghi's gravatar image

You are right Flavio, it was our mistake. We did not write to a new appender. The log level of the default appender was indeed not DEBUG but INFO. Now we write to a new appender in DEBUG level and there we get the full messages.

Thank you!

(28.09.2016 at 15:38) peters peters's gravatar image

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Asked: 05.09.2016 at 15:49

Seen: 2,403 times

Last updated: 28.09.2016 at 15:38