When I create a new task, the email notification will be send for approve user. Is it impossible to send an email reminder for a user after one week if approve user doesn't process on the new task? asked 02.07.2014 at 10:47 rootdn |
You have to implement that behavior, but it is easy to do.
Like this you are define escalations. answered 02.07.2014 at 14:28 Adrian Imfeld That will lead to a new IvyTask. Normally it is not a problem, but you will see it for example in the Ivy Server history.
(02.07.2014 at 14:31)
Adrian Imfeld
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Asked: 02.07.2014 at 10:47
Seen: 2,436 times
Last updated: 03.07.2014 at 03:30