I created a webservice in ivy, which requests a string as input parameter and returns as result a string and a list (of a custom data class Betreibung).

I can call this webservice from another ivy project and save the result in corresponding attributes. But as I can only save the list result "as List" and not "as List<betreibung>", every resulting List element is not of the class "Betreibung" but of the class "namespace.unknown.Betreibung". For this reason I cannot use the saved list entries later on.

I created a short video to clarify my problem (in german only):


asked 09.04.2014 at 11:40

Bj%C3%B6rn's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 09.04.2014 at 11:41

Hi Björn

If you use a webservice make sure to have an identical dataclass in your client and your server application. In your case you should have a copy of "Betreibung" in both, your server and your client.


answered 11.04.2014 at 08:00

Daniel%20Oechslin's gravatar image

Daniel Oechslin
accept rate: 39%

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Asked: 09.04.2014 at 11:40

Seen: 2,436 times

Last updated: 11.04.2014 at 08:00