Hello, is it possible to package an app.yaml file with the deployment zip in order to configure the application from code in a non-docker deployment?

asked 14.05.2020 at 05:22

TareqK's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

Yes, indeed the app.yaml can also be used in app.ZIP files.
Just keep in mind that app.yaml settings configured on the target Engine have a higher priority than those provided in the deployed ZIP. But for a pure code driven deployment approach this should not be a problem.

See our docs on that topic: https://dev.axonivy.com/doc/8.0/engine-guide/configuration/files/app-yaml.html alt text


answered 20.05.2020 at 04:10

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 14.05.2020 at 05:22

Seen: 2,814 times

Last updated: 20.05.2020 at 04:10