Is there any list of things no longer supported in version 8? I'm planning on migrating a project from 7.3.1 to 8 and after the automatic project migration, I am still left with some errors.

Moreover, I'm trying to get a feel of how complicated this migration might be.

I've tried to read the release notes here, but they are a long list of very brief task/story titles which are not extremely helpful if you're not looking for something specific.

asked 01.04.2020 at 11:00

sorin's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Have you had a look at the migration notes? We tried to be more descriptive there:


answered 02.04.2020 at 08:05

Andreas%20Rusch's gravatar image

Andreas Rusch
accept rate: 92%

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Asked: 01.04.2020 at 11:00

Seen: 1,172 times

Last updated: 02.04.2020 at 09:51