Hi Ivy Team

After migrating sys db and running the application we get the following error :

    Caused by: ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.PersistencyException: Unknown system property 'Database.Id'
    at ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.internal.ApplicationConfigurationManager.lambda$32(ApplicationConfigurationManager.java:1351)
    at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow(Optional.java:290)
    at ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.internal.ApplicationConfigurationManager.getSystemProp(ApplicationConfigurationManager.java:1351)
    at ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.internal.ApplicationConfigurationManager.getSystemProperty(ApplicationConfigurationManager.java:1336)
    at ch.xpertline.xent.oauth.ivy.IvySecure.getIvySalt(IvySecure.java:17)

Any idea what is missing ?

Best regards John

asked 25.09.2019 at 07:31

John%20Moser's gravatar image

John Moser
accept rate: 0%

Add on :

The key/value pair exist in iwa_systemproperty. But why is it unknown ?

(25.09.2019 at 08:53) John Moser John%20Moser's gravatar image

It is because we now load all system properties values form the ivy.yaml (except some special values, but they are only used ivy internal and not any more available by Public API).

(25.09.2019 at 08:55) SupportIvyTeam ♦♦ SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

This property was never meant to be public, and is just for internal use. You never saw it on a configuration UI. It is an identifier for the database and so it makes no sense in a yaml file, that is why we do not convert it.

Please use another way to get a constant Number (e.g. In a File or own Database)


answered 01.10.2019 at 02:57

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

I already set autoconvert is true, why do I need add DatabaseId manual to ivy.yaml?. I think It should auto migrate all system property from database to ivy.yaml.

In the meantime, I try to add it manually to ivy.yaml like this in the root level.

Database.Id: -4615454054944818312

I still use the old method

ApplicationConfigurationManager appConfigManager = (ApplicationConfigurationManager)
ApplicationConfigurationManagerNavigationUtil.getApplicationConfigurationManager(Ivy.wf().getApplication()); return appConfigManager.getSystemProperty("Database.Id").getLongValue();

But It does not work. Do you have any idea?



answered 26.09.2019 at 00:46

nndiem's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26.09.2019 at 01:08

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Asked: 25.09.2019 at 07:31

Seen: 1,677 times

Last updated: 01.10.2019 at 02:57