In Ivy 7, sometimes I use Java Class as a Caller Data for HTML Dialogs like the following picture, and it used to work perfectly alt Then I try to migrate my project to Ivy 8 and I realize that in the components that I am using JavaClass face this error Process data class 'Class Name' does not exist

alt text

I also tried to create the new component but Ivy cannot find the JavaClass either

alt text

So in Ivy 8, does HTML Dialogs still support Java Class extended Composite Object ?. In case not, is there any alternative solution ? Thank you.

asked 30.01.2020 at 01:47

tdtin's gravatar image

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edited 30.01.2020 at 02:38

is Automatic Build enabled in Axon.ivy Designer?

(30.01.2020 at 02:56) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Hi Alex Suter, Yes, it is

(30.01.2020 at 02:58) tdtin tdtin's gravatar image

do you have any other build issues, which may prevent that Axon.ivy Designer can build your project. You may need to solve them first.

(30.01.2020 at 05:04) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

I resolved all the other issues, but it still happens , and still not be able to search the Java Class when I create the new HTML dialog

(03.02.2020 at 03:12) tdtin tdtin's gravatar image

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Asked: 30.01.2020 at 01:47

Seen: 1,281 times

Last updated: 03.02.2020 at 03:12