I am migrating an enviroment onto new Servers. The Active Directory Servers are being migrated too.

When I Switch to the new AD Server, what will happen to the Users which have all been designated one or more Roles?

Will the Users be deleted and reimported, so that one will have to reassign the 200+ Users to their respective roles, or will the Users keep their Roles?

asked 04.07.2016 at 14:05

RMS71's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Server Version is 6.0.4

(04.07.2016 at 16:56) RMS71 RMS71's gravatar image


It depends.

If you are using Axon.ivy < 4.3 the users are deleted and then re-imported if the ldap names of the users have changed. This will also delete the role assignments. The ldap name is the full path of the user name inclusive all organisation units and domains. E.g. CN=Reto Weiss,OU=ivyTeam,OU=AXON IVY,DC=AXONIVY,DC=COM.

If you are using Axon.ivy >= 4.3 the users are only deleted and then re-imported if the ldap names of the users have changed and also the sAMAccountName of the user have changed. If only the ldap name has changed but the sAMAccountName is still the same the users are migrated to the new AD.

Attention: Not only the role assignments maybe lost but also the task assignments.

To be secure I suggest that you follow this procedure:

  1. Make a backup of your system database before you change the AD settings in Axon.ivy Engine.
  2. Trigger a synchronization of the users by pressing the Synchronize button in AdminUI.
  3. Test if all users are still there and if the role assignments are still correct.

If you run into problems you can at least reset the AD settings and restore the database. Axon.ivy Support can help you find another solution for migrating your users to a new AD without loosing your data.

Reto Weiss

Axon.ivy Support


answered 04.07.2016 at 15:55

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

edited 04.07.2016 at 17:13

Thank You, the Version is 6.0.4 an I will test it tomorrow.

(04.07.2016 at 16:56) RMS71 RMS71's gravatar image

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Asked: 04.07.2016 at 14:05

Seen: 2,479 times

Last updated: 04.07.2016 at 17:13