Hello IvyTeam,

Is it possible to change the security system of application once it has been set ?

alt text

Let`s say I want to start with Ivy Users and at some point to change to Active Directory ?

Best Regards, Yordan Yunchov

asked 10.02.2017 at 09:52

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

With version 7.2.1 you can change the security system without any problems by changing your ivy.yaml and app.yaml files.

Earlier version don't support it.


answered 27.02.2019 at 09:47

Andreas%20Rusch's gravatar image

Andreas Rusch
accept rate: 92%


That`s great !

Thanks for addressing this topic !

I hope that you will continue to develop in this direction. A feature supporting mixed security (AD and Ivy Users) will be very valuable

Best Regards, Yordan

(28.02.2019 at 03:33) Stelt0 Stelt0's gravatar image

Changing ExternalSecuritySystemName to "Microsoft Active Directory" in AxonIvySystemDatabase IWA_Application maybe helps.

I suggest to backup SystemDatabase first.

Cheers, Andreas


answered 14.02.2017 at 14:33

Andreas%20Roth's gravatar image

Andreas Roth
accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 10.02.2017 at 09:52

Seen: 2,541 times

Last updated: 28.02.2019 at 09:26