By default CXF Web Service Calls runs by default with HttpUrlConnection of Java. HttpUrlConnection is limited when it comes to authenticate against a NTML web service.

CXF provides the ability to change the implementation of the connection itself to org.apache.http.nio.client.HttpAsyncClient. Besides the full support of NTML it also provides better performance. Due that fact we changed the default connection to HttpAsyncClient of CXF Web Service Calls.

There are no known compatibility issues between these to implementations. If you face one, please contact us. And you are always still able to fallback by setting the use.async.http.conduit to false on the Web Service Client.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 05.03.2020 at 02:33

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

So good to hear that, that NTLM is now supported with all its edge cases.


answered 05.03.2020 at 02:45

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 05.03.2020 at 02:33

Seen: 1,306 times

Last updated: 05.03.2020 at 02:45