Hello Ivy team In my project I'm using Designer 8.0.2, Engine 8.0.2, JDK 11, project-build-plugin version 8.0.0, maven 3.6.3 and maven-compiler-plugin version 3.8.0.

When I build project with maven I have some problems as maven cannot find class belong to reference libraries alt text

alt text

Or some libraries of Axon.ivy Libraries as alt text alt text

Plugins in my pom.xml


Please help me to resolve it. Thanks

asked 25.02.2020 at 05:00

anhle's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25.02.2020 at 05:05

hi @anhle I see no obvious mistake in your configuration. In addition, this seems to be a highly customized build which relies on many customizations which are rarely used in ivy projects. However, we'd gladly support you in this migration story. But as the story seems complex, I think an efficient way would be a collaborative screen session or something similar. Please use https://support.axonivy.com/ and open a ticket so that we can get in contact with you.

(26.02.2020 at 02:50) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 25.02.2020 at 05:00

Seen: 7,778 times

Last updated: 26.02.2020 at 02:50