Hi support team, Currently we faced with the problem of deployment process. Whenever we deploy a .iar file to the engine (via adminUi, or ivy_deployment_tool), it will cost us a lot of time (about 5-10 minutes). But after we restart, the first time deployment is much much faster (take around 1 minutes). Is there any hint for me to improve the deployment without restart engine? The ivy version: Powered by Axon.ivy Engine Copyright © 2001-2019 AXON IVY AG Thank you!
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Since unzipping is slow I assume that your operating system slows it down: I'd look for involved virus scanners or a crypted filesystem. Nevertheless, I'd recommend to measure deployment also with a standard deployment approach which is actually supported by the ivy.core platform: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/7.0.latest/EngineGuideHtml/administration.html#administration-deployment-directory a glimpse towards 8.0 LTS also shows that deployment scenarios supported by the platform were remarkably extended: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/8.0.0/engine-guide/administration/deployment.html ... one benefit is for instance, that IAR projects being deployed no longer need to be unzipped at all. They will run in packed format similar as JAR files do in the JRE. |
Hi Reguel, We have changed to use linux for the engine. At the very clean engine (I meant after finish set it up and running), the deploy process is very fast (about maximum 3 minutes). But it keep slower and slower. Now, the same deploy process took around 10 minutes. We have another engine (running the same physical server with the one above), still have fast deploy. When I compared the 2 databases:
Question is: Is there any step in the deployment process of IVY engine related to public.iwa_businessdata table or other table? Thanks in advance, DK
This answer is marked "community wiki".
That sounds interesting. But I couldn't quickly see any IWA_BusinessData interactions when looking at our deployment process. However, it should be really simple to analyze what the java process is doing in these 10 mins:
Thanks Reguel, I will record the JMC and analyze it. Btw, I also tried something below: - Delete all data in iwa_businessdata and iwa.tasks -> still slow - Check the deployment log, seem like the slow part is here: https://prnt.sc/s6i2vz I will back to you later with the JMC recorded Thanks for the update @khanh11166 The 'DeploymentTool' can of course be a cause of inefficient deployments. As stated before, it's not an official platform tool. Has not been written by members of the ivy-core and is therefore neither supported nor promoted to be used. So if this DeploymentTools is slow - we can't support you in fixing it. Even with the JMC records. What I still recommend is to migrate to Ivy 8.0 and benefit of all the new cool deployment features natively provided by the platform - without using any unsupported third parties. Thanks for your recommend to use Ivy 8.0, it will be in the future near. I just finished recorded the CPU sampling (using Java VisualVM - can not use JMC because we are using OpenJDK and OpenJDK not include the FlightRecorder feature). I see that on the slow engine, deployment process run some methods as the picture. https://prnt.sc/s792xy On the fast engine, the deployment process did'n run these methods. Do you have some idea? Also on linux you can opt in for an Oracle JDK 1.8 and you will be able to use flight recorder. I do not see something special. Seems like the normal annotation processing work is going on (to detect REST endpoints). |
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Asked: 07.11.2019 at 22:23
Seen: 2,083 times
Last updated: 29.04.2020 at 03:05
Hard to say what causes the delays. But the deployment process definitively shouldn't take that long unless your diskspace is almost full or CPU is under constant stress. Maybe the log outputs would help to see which stage takes that long (validation or a certain deployment step?) Can you share the size of the IAR you are trying to deploy as well?
The file size is depend on module I deploy, sometime the file is just small (<1MB), some other is bigger (~50 MB). But the time is the same same with both 2 of them.
The CPU and RAM is not always 100% at the deploy time. So I'm not sure it related to the issue.
ok then, but as said there is no known performance issue at deploy time. so, it's your turn to provide more insights on your actual deployment. hard to advise anything with the facts currently available
Sorry for late reply, today we faced the problem again, and it consume almost all CPU. Could you take a look on the picture and share me some idea?
One question, could I increase the heap will help?!
the screenshot shows that the CPU is high. but still we have no facts what is happening. What would help to nail the issue:
I tried to record by JMC, and found out that https://prnt.sc/q6etrn when unzip the iar file, it took too long....
more details: I'm, using window server
the screenshot shows that CPU is blocked while using a third-party for deploying ('soreco deployer'). this is not part of the axonivy.core and may has its own well known quality issues. Moreover, its feature-set is covered natively by the platform. So I'd advise you to switch to a standard deployment approach: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/7.0.latest/EngineGuideHtml/administration.html#administration-deployment-directory