When searching for printers with PrinterJob.lookupPrintServices(); everthing works fine locally in the Designer. After deploying the application, it only finds "Microsoft XPS Document Writer". I was thinking maybe the printers aren't installed on the server, but they are. When installing the Designer on the Server, everything works fine too.

I couldn't really find any helpful information about this exact problem/behavior. I've tried to change the Ivy Engine Service user from the local user to the one I used to login to the server, but that didnt help either.

asked 13.02.2020 at 04:00

Marco%20Klauenb%C3%B6sch's gravatar image

Marco Klauen...
accept rate: 100%

Ivy Version: 6.6.1

(13.02.2020 at 04:01) Marco Klauen... Marco%20Klauenb%C3%B6sch's gravatar image

maybe an issue related to the early OSGi environment. Can you reproduce a different runtime behaviour (comparing the Designer and the Engine) of your java code in 7.0 or 8.0 LTS?

(17.02.2020 at 03:10) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Upgraded the engine to 8.0.2. Works perfectly now, thank you.

(26.02.2020 at 08:02) Marco Klauen... Marco%20Klauenb%C3%B6sch's gravatar image

Upgrade to version 8.0.2 solved the problem.


answered 26.02.2020 at 08:06

Marco%20Klauenb%C3%B6sch's gravatar image

Marco Klauen...
accept rate: 100%

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Asked: 13.02.2020 at 04:00

Seen: 1,340 times

Last updated: 26.02.2020 at 08:06