Hello all!

Does anybody know an easy way to get if an AxonIvy Application runs on a designer or on a Server? Or with other words how can we get the kind of Engine that runs the code (Server or Designer) ?

Thanks in advance


asked 17.12.2015 at 20:56

Emmanuel's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%

In an ivy Script Step (be sure to toggle to the Expert Mode)

code run's on designer => ivy.wf.getApplication().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("designer")

otherwise you're on a server


answered 18.12.2015 at 08:27

Stefan's gravatar image

accept rate: 60%


Hi Stefan, Thanks a lot for your answer. It works perfectly ;) Emmanuel

(18.12.2015 at 09:15) Emmanuel Emmanuel's gravatar image

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Asked: 17.12.2015 at 20:56

Seen: 3,860 times

Last updated: 18.12.2015 at 09:15