The transaction log file of our Microsoft SQL server with the Xpert.ivy Server database is growing and growing.

If I limit the size of the log file then I get error message if the log file is full. If I execute a Delete statement on the table ILOG_Log then the XpertServer_log.LDF will not decrease. In fact it is growing. The Xpert.ivy Server Database itself is not very large only the LDF file is huge.

What is it? How can I turn this off? Any other changes?

asked 13.09.2010 at 09:54

Katharina%20Kaczmarczyk's gravatar image

Katharina Ka...
accept rate: 0%

The *.ldf file is the transaction log file of Microsoft SQL Server databases. It stores any changed you made to the database since the last backup of the database. So Xpert.ivy Server does not store directly to this file and can not influence it.

Because the transaction log stores all changes since the last database backup you can limit the *.ldf file by backup the database periodically.

Another possibility is to change the recovery mode of the database to Simple. In this case the .ldf file stores only the transactions that are not yet commited. Commited transactions are deleted from the *.ldf file. Note that with this recovery mode it is not possible to restore the database to a specific point in time. You can only recover it to the time you backuped it.


answered 28.09.2010 at 04:09

Tamas%20KIS's gravatar image

Tamas KIS
accept rate: 60%

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Asked: 13.09.2010 at 09:54

Seen: 2,091 times

Last updated: 13.09.2010 at 09:54