Hi all

As you may know that in ivy, it allow to create Process with name ErrorHandling to centralize error handling alt text

This process must name as ErrorHandling and put inside Processes.

Now I have another project that depend on this project and when i create ErrorHandling on that, ivy say:

 Can't create process with same name.

How can i solve this issue?


asked 14.11.2018 at 02:41

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

You should to get rid of one of these error handlers... Within the same app is can get complex to predict which global error handler is in charge if multiple of em exist. But basically you could just rename one of it. Only the prefix 'Error' must exist for such a handler. The suffix can be freely chosen.

Anyway the global handler is designed to be the last resort of failure handling after:

  1. boundary error handlers
  2. in process error handler
  3. caller process error handler

If one really wants to handle/compensate an error appropriately it should be done as close as possible to where the error occurs. So the global handler can may be used to display a UI to the end user, or the generate mails to the administrator. But I really do not see any real use case to have multiple instances of it...

In the ErrorHandlingDemos, which are shipped as sample with Axon.ivy Designer, are some reasonable use cases that outline foreseen error handlers on multiple levels. alt text alt text


answered 15.11.2018 at 07:52

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 15.11.2018 at 07:56

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Asked: 14.11.2018 at 02:41

Seen: 1,346 times

Last updated: 15.11.2018 at 07:56