Hello All,

I have an interesting situation.

I have a User Dialog with interactions and a bit complex Logic. There is a point in the process where I`m trowing an exception and I want to redirect the user to an error page: alt text

I want to catch the exception in the business process where to do the redirect. Here is the confusing part:

  1. If I redirect to User Dialog, everything is working correctly: alt text

  2. If I redirect to Web Page (JSP from the CMS) it is trowing an error. alt text

alt text

Is this a bug or wrong architecture from my side ?

anyway, what is the best practice for managing exceptions in User Dialog`s Logic?

Best Regards, Yordan Yunchov

asked 04.08.2016 at 14:38

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

I think the redirect to JSP should work - it seems like a bug in the ivy core.

Best practice to handle errors in dialogs are CustomErrorPages: http://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/EngineGuideHtml/configuration.html#configuration-errorhandling


answered 08.08.2016 at 09:35

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

Thanks for the reply !

How can I submit a bug ticket about that?

The suggested best practice apply globally for all applications on the server, right ? My attempt is to create error handling on the application level, because each application might have different layout template, different types of exceptions, etc...

btw.. I have worked on the approach with HTML dialogs and I find a lot of benefits using it. for example I can use the Logic to define backend workflow for handling the exceptions (logging, sending notifications, different messages for different users, etc..)

(08.08.2016 at 09:50) Stelt0 Stelt0's gravatar image

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Asked: 04.08.2016 at 14:38

Seen: 2,549 times

Last updated: 08.08.2016 at 09:50