
We have two projects project A and project B.

There's an ivy composite component in project A, which is used in a dialog in project B. If the composite component in project A uses a resource from the dialog directory, it can not be loaded an an error message is shown.

 Error (Http Status Code 500)

 Html Dialog with id ch.tuchella.libdemo.CompositeComponent not found

 Caused by
 IvyRuntimeException: Html Dialog with id ch.tuchella.libdemo.CompositeComponent not found

If the composite component is used in the same project, or if the composite component does not include resources no error occurs.

Here's an example project.

Do you have any idea about this? Is it a known issue?

Best regards Lars Tuchel

asked 11.06.2015 at 10:07

Lars%20Tuchel's gravatar image

Lars Tuchel
accept rate: 60%

Yes, this seems to be a bug. I created issue #25563 for this. I guess it will be fixed with ivy 5.1.6.

Thanks for reporting.


answered 17.06.2015 at 08:45

Dominik%20Regli's gravatar image

Dominik Regli ♦
accept rate: 85%

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Asked: 11.06.2015 at 10:07

Seen: 2,810 times

Last updated: 17.06.2015 at 08:45