Hello Ivy Team,

I have a business process starting with an User Dialog, where the user can submit a request. After that the process is doing a lot of background activities and it is assigning tasks.

The application is part of the Portal application. Currently, when the user submit the request, he is redirected to the Task List of the Portal.

Is it possible instead of redirecting int to the Task List, to show him some Thank You page ? The problem is that this process can be started by users that does not have Ivy user and in this case he is redirected to the Portal Login page. For these users this makes no sense.

Best Regards, Yordan

asked 26.09.2017 at 04:27

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

This is exactly what the 'End Page' element is defined for. It ends the current task and shows a very simple Html Dialog (!=JSF).

Unfortunately the Html Dialog technology there is not based on JSF but the old JSP/CMS approach from ivy 3.9. However you could easily get a similar look by using the same CSS and page structure.alt text


answered 28.09.2017 at 03:42

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%


The end page marks the end of the business process. But in our case, the business process continues after the initial request. So an end page is not an option.

what we found out is the following workaround (for me this looks like a bug, it doesn't make any sense) alt text

alt text

Best Regards, Yordan


answered 28.09.2017 at 04:01

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

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Asked: 26.09.2017 at 04:27

Seen: 3,544 times

Last updated: 28.09.2017 at 04:01