In my database I've tasks state starting with number 1 to 7, maybe more but 7 is the highest state I've.

In the documentation of Axon Ivy I cannot find any information about the task state and their meaning. I just found some workflow task information but they seem not related with the Axon Ivy task state. Or m I wrong?

Because in the documentation they reefer to some state like Done, Resumed, ... :

But nothing about numbers, and I know in old Axon Ivy Version there was state like destroyed for example who are not listed in this documentation.

So where can I find a good documentation about the task states in Axon Ivy Engine/Designer ???

And what are those task state who are documented into the chapter referenced? Is there two type of task now?

Thanks a lot for the help, Neo

asked 02.10.2018 at 03:34

AxonIvyDeveloper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Neo

There are only one task types and the states documented in the user document are the most common task states.

The number you find in the column State in the table IWA_Task can be found on the enum ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskState. In the Axon.ivy Designer use CTRL - T and type TaskState to open the source of TaskState.

On the API you can get the state of a task with ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITask#getState(). On the TaskQuery you can filter by the state of a task with:


More information can be found here: Axon.ivy PublicAPI


Reto Weiss, Axon.ivy Support


answered 02.10.2018 at 03:56

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Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 02.10.2018 at 03:34

Seen: 1,696 times

Last updated: 02.10.2018 at 03:56