In our project we encountered a problem where we had to re-deploy one of our web services.

After changing the web service in Axon.ivy Designer and re-generating the code, we replace the .jar file in our deployment and restarted the engine again.

Unfortunately, we couldn't see any of our code updates in the Engine. It seems that the Engine still has a copy of the old .jar file somewhere else in its path, but we can't find another copy.

How do I find out where my updated class is loaded from?

asked 17.07.2018 at 07:28

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

It is possible to make the Engine (or more, Java) to print out all loaded classes and where they are loaded from with a simple JVM flag, -verbose:class.

In order to get the Engine to do that you need to add this flag to the (maybe already existing) JVM flags specified in property ivy.vm.additional.options in your .ILC file. How to do that follow the instruction here: Windows Program Launcher Configuration.

Now after a restart of the Engine you will see these log entries in the file {engine_name}.console in your /log directory as the JVM will print them out to the console to System.out.

Search for the first entry of your class. It should look like this:

[Loaded$Factory from file:/<path_to_jar>]

Hope this helps.


answered 17.07.2018 at 07:52

Andreas%20Rusch's gravatar image

Andreas Rusch
accept rate: 92%

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Asked: 17.07.2018 at 07:28

Seen: 1,524 times

Last updated: 17.07.2018 at 07:52