A customer would like to use its Ivy 3.9 workflow in eastern Europe. The applications should run with multiple languages on the same server.

Does Xpert.ivy support the different character sets? Is there a Unicode version available?

asked 30.01.2010 at 14:04

J%C3%B6rg%20Sch%C3%B6nfisch's gravatar image

Jörg Schönfisch
accept rate: 0%

Xpert.ivy is a Java program. Java uses Unicode by default. This means Xpert.ivy already supports Unicode.

In the system database of Xpert.ivy strings are stored as VARCHARs. You have to ensure that the database is using Unicode or UTF-8 to store VARCHARs.


answered 01.02.2010 at 10:09

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 30.01.2010 at 14:04

Seen: 2,122 times

Last updated: 30.01.2010 at 14:04