Hi all I'm using ivy 6.3 andI follow this guideline to custom new task notification (html format). It works fine except the special characters like : üöäß (inside end page) The email content is broken (mail client on browser like IE/chrome) Does ivy support to escape those characters? Thanks |
This is an encoding issue in ivy. This has been fixed with Ivy 5.1.12, 6.0.7 and 6.6. |
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Asked: 18.04.2018 at 07:02
Seen: 3,180 times
Last updated: 19.04.2018 at 07:34
Have you set the charset to UTF-8?
Check if the charset is set correct in your HTML document: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_charset.asp
Is that only a problem in the delivered mail? Or is it also a problem if you start the process manually and check the endpage?
If it is a problem only in the delivered mail, this is maybe fixed with this issue: https://jira.axonivy.com/jira/browse/XIVY-1949 Fixed for 5.1.12 / 6.0.7 / 6.6 -> maybe you can quickly check that with ivy 7.0
hi @Alex Suter ♦♦ Yes it's only wrong on delivered email. i've verified on ivy 6.6 and it works. Thanks a lot