Hi All, I'm using Ivy Mail (ivy 7.1) to sending email.

Now I have a need to override the mail's sender, I'm using a variable with name "in.from" and set to From field of Ivy mail (like below picture). alt text If value of From field is in English -> It's work. (my text: George Jones < SharedGroup.Org>)

alt text

But if my text is in German language, the sender will not be displayed correctly anymore (below picture)
(For example the value of sender's text is: George á Jones < SharedGroup.Org> )

It also auto append 2 double quote string to my text.

alt text

Is there any way to define the charset utf-8 for the sender's name?

Like in Java mail we have: new InternetAddress("abc@gmail.com", "吃在华科", "UTF-8")

Thank you!

asked 27.09.2018 at 11:35

nhthang's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27.09.2018 at 11:37


This is a bug. I reported it as

XIVY-2913 Use UTF-8 to encode mail addresses (to, from, cc, bcc, replyTo)


Reto Weiss, Axon.ivy Support


answered 28.09.2018 at 03:46

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

thanks for the infor!

(28.09.2018 at 05:31) nhthang nhthang's gravatar image

bug is now fixed and available with release 7.0.8 or with 7.2

(15.10.2018 at 03:05) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 27.09.2018 at 11:35

Seen: 2,360 times

Last updated: 15.10.2018 at 03:05