Dear Ivy Team. We faced with the autounboxing problem.
On UI side we have input field for number: On data model, the field 'num' has type Number. When a user saves data, then we get value 0 in this field. Can we store null value? We read question: We tried set COERCE_TO_ZERO=false in: \AxonIvyDesigner6.5.0.53277\webapps\ivy\WEB-INF\web.xml
in %JAVA_OPTS%: -Dorg.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO=false But it didn't help for us. Where do we need set variable ivy.vm.additional.options? |
With that you can decide if the field was empty (value is 0 but not initialized) or if the user has entered a 0 (value is 0 and initialized). Regards Reto Weiss, ivyTeam Support
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Asked: 02.06.2017 at 10:49
Seen: 2,354 times
Last updated: 09.06.2017 at 10:37
The ivy.vm.additional.options is only used on the Engine for Windows. There you can copy the Example.ilc file in the bin directory and rename it to AxonIvyEngine.ilc. In the file your find that property. The ilc file is used by the AxonIvyEngine.exe to start java. See Engine Guide for more information about the ilc file and how to use it.
Thank you very much! But what do we need to do that disable convert null to 0 for Designer?