Hi, I have a problem with p:datatable which has dynamic number of columns and it is editable. Data source of the table is ivy Recordset.

The problem is when a user change some value, this change is not processed into Recordset so the Recordset remains with old values. I have tried to change the datatable to use cell editor - with no effect.

Here is the code: alt text

{lgi.prioritizationComposite.getRows()} returns a Recordset

Do you have any idea what is wrong? In HTML dialog demos there is an example of datatable and recordset. But I see nothing special in it.

Thanks Matej

asked 02.03.2016 at 13:35

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Asked: 02.03.2016 at 13:35

Seen: 2,029 times

Last updated: 02.03.2016 at 13:35