
Is there a runtime possibility of creating a new column in designed ivy-RTable ? I have tried to do it with java in onLoad method of RichDialog - no success. Adding an empty column and setting header text is ok so far. I add a Custom implemented ITableCellRenderer and override the one and only method getTableCellRendererComponent(...)

Renderer of designed ivy table column is of type ch.ivyteam.ivy.richdialog.widgets.components.renderers.TableCellRenderer. This type if for me in designer not accessible. Using debugger i have seen the table model configuration String (>7000 chars) in it, but i can not edit it or create new one.

When i try to use my custom renderer for new column, e.g. com.ulcjava.base.application.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer or ULCLabel, i am never able to render the text in this column. I have tried multiple methods (setText(), setValue(), "value" parameter...) but cell is always rendered empty. the only thing i can set is background color.

Is there a way for such thing ?

Thanks in advance josef koupal

asked 14.06.2016 at 17:02

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Asked: 14.06.2016 at 17:02

Seen: 1,492 times

Last updated: 14.06.2016 at 17:02