I try to select an entry in a combo depending on a value in a record set like that:

    <- Integer.parseInt(in.EmployeeList.getField(in.RowId,"country").toString())-1

This works properly, but if NULL is stored in the recordset, then Ivy throws a NullPointerException.

How can I circumvent this?

asked 12.01.2012 at 11:22

Yves%20Jarczyk's gravatar image

Yves Jarczyk
accept rate: 0%

Use the unary ? : operator on the right side of the data binding:

in.EmployeeList.getField(in.RowId,"country") is initialized 
    ? Integer.parseInt(in.EmployeeList.getField(in.RowId,"country").toString())-1
    : null

answered 18.01.2012 at 10:06

Martin%20Steiger's gravatar image

Martin Steiger
accept rate: 50%

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Asked: 12.01.2012 at 11:22

Seen: 2,096 times

Last updated: 12.01.2012 at 11:22