Dear Ivy Team.

Is it possible to catch error "Dialog instance is not available any more" via ErrorHandler process?

I made ErrorHandler the similar as in example ErrorHandlingDemos with error code: "ivy:error". But it's not working. We would like to move user to home page when that error happens. We use SVN for a project in workspace and we wouldn't want to change web.xml in the designer (for example to replace error page) because it is beyond SVN.


asked 02.06.2017 at 02:55

Maxim%20S's gravatar image

Maxim S
accept rate: 0%

Hello, Maxim,

This is a web server error (http 500) it is not thrown by an Ivy process. The only thing you can do is to override the default tomcat error pages, so that they are looking consistent with your applications and to add a static anchor for the user to go back to a default home page.

This is the approach that I`m implementing in my projects.

There are two other approaches which solves this problem just partially: - Increase the session timeout on the server - add a global ajax function (you can use primeface component or do it by your self) to ping the server every one minute, so that it keep the session alive.

*Keep in mind that the dialog instance can be 'destroyed' in other cases, so this error can appear again.

Also there are other post about this subject in the forum

Best Regards, Yordan


answered 02.06.2017 at 04:08

Stelt0's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

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Asked: 02.06.2017 at 02:55

Seen: 1,667 times

Last updated: 02.06.2017 at 04:08