Hi all,

I'm trying to find the way to do the following. We need to start a process when a email comes with an attachment. I can solve this by a daemon in OS at host. But then, when the file moves to a folder, I need to:

  • Start the process
  • Add the PDF to the process to be available to process users.

I'm writing a Java class in order to search if there is a file to the folder and raise the start of the process. I need to know how can put it in a daemon that executes that every x minutes. Then, I have to attach the PDF to the process, but I'm not finding a way to do it.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance

asked 23.05.2017 at 08:18

jirazazabal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23.05.2017 at 08:19

This is a task that you can easily solve with the standard process 'Program Start' event. Choose the 'FilePickupStartEventBean' in the 'Start' tab and configure the path to monitor for new files in the 'Editor' tab. You can also define which process attributes should contain the PDF.

With this start event a process will run whenever a file was found in the configured folder and you have access to it on the process data.

alt text alt text


answered 24.05.2017 at 08:19

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 24.05.2017 at 08:19

Great! Thanks a lot!

How can I store this file into the CMS? I don't want the user has to do it manually.

Thanks a lot again!

(26.05.2017 at 03:41) jirazazabal jirazazabal's gravatar image

You're welcome.

See this answer for a demo how to add something to the CMS: http://answers.axonivy.com/questions/1981/edit-cms-on-the-server

But I'd favour the ivy.case.documents() API if you like to attach something to a running case. The CMS should primary be used for static 'translatable' content.

(26.05.2017 at 05:11) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

How can I reference the document attached, for example, in a HTML Form? I would like the user be able to open the pdf from the dialog...

(01.06.2017 at 05:23) jirazazabal jirazazabal's gravatar image

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Asked: 23.05.2017 at 08:18

Seen: 238,697 times

Last updated: 01.06.2017 at 05:23