Hello everybody

We got Ivy running on a windows server. A few weeks ago, we added an upstream Linux Apache Server which connects via AJP. When the Ivy application is accessed through this Linux server, the log files don’t get written anymore. The log files are generated every day but they are just empty. Also generated files with Java (e.g. Excel-Files) are damaged and can’t be read correctly. If we access the application locally through http, the log file gets written and the files can be generated and read.

Could someone please help us figure out why these logs are turning out empty and how to fix it? Thanks in advance


asked 21.03.2017 at 10:49

Marco%20Klauenb%C3%B6sch's gravatar image

Marco Klauen...
accept rate: 100%

Which ivy version do you use? Which Apache Version? How does the setup looks like? Did you integrate your apache as described in the documentation?


(21.03.2017 at 12:05) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Ivy 5.17 / Apache 2.46 on CentOS Linux. Apache was integrated as described in the documentation. Ivy is running on a Windows Server 2012 R2.

(22.03.2017 at 09:31) Marco Klauen... Marco%20Klauenb%C3%B6sch's gravatar image

Probably you are using 5.1.7 instead of 5.1.17. We recommend to upgrade to the newest bug fix release 5.1.11.

At the moment I think it could also be a general problem with AJP/Apache/Tomcat communication. Internally IVY starts a Tomcat. We should try to isolate the problem. Could you try to use another Apache Server? Maybe you can install one on a Windows Server?

(23.03.2017 at 16:52) Alex Suter ♦♦ Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

We decided to update the IvyServer to 6.5 next week and will do some testing then.

(24.03.2017 at 16:00) Marco Klauen... Marco%20Klauenb%C3%B6sch's gravatar image

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Asked: 21.03.2017 at 10:49

Seen: 2,628 times

Last updated: 24.03.2017 at 16:00