Dear Ivy team

Currently, our Ivy projects are using Maven as the build system, but with Maven, the build process (include testing) is very slow. And I know that by using Gradle, it will help us with this problem by boosting the build process much faster than Maven.

So I just wanna try to apply Gradle to our Ivy projects to see how much it improves our build process. Unfortunately, I got a problem with Axon.ivy Project Build Plugin. As far as I know that we need to use "Project Build Plugin" to resolve Ivy's dependencies but that plugin doesn't support Gradle. So is there any possibility to apply Gradle with Ivy project?

Thank in advance

asked 07.03.2019 at 23:23

lphieu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07.03.2019 at 23:24

Hi @Iphieu

There are yet no plans to support Gradle as alternative to Maven.

But honestly, do you have any evidence that Gradle is faster than Maven? I mean in general it is just a wrapper around the same stack with more groovy magic, isn't it?


answered 08.03.2019 at 03:05

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

Thank for your quick response, about the evidence for Gradle faster than Maven, I saw this link for comparison between Maven and Gradle and they said that "Gradle is at least 2 times faster in every single scenario.":

(08.03.2019 at 04:20) lphieu lphieu's gravatar image

Thanks for the link. I agree with it that gradle could build faster by analyzing incremental change more accurate.

When it comes to IvyProject builds we are bound to tooling such as the JDT compiler which is OSGi aware. So it's a toolchain where I do not think there is much Gradle support available where we could benefit from. So I guess that a switch to Gradle is not a low hanging fruit that could easily be supported.

(08.03.2019 at 05:33) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 07.03.2019 at 23:23

Seen: 1,972 times

Last updated: 08.03.2019 at 05:37