Hello All,

alt text

  • As you see in the picture, I have 2 modules (ErrorHandlingDemos and ErrorHandlingChild). In each module, I has created ErrorHandler Process --> I got the compile error message in the console --> but, everything works fine (although compile error occurred) --> Updated for this case: i renamed ErrorHandler by another name --> no compile error anymore :)

  • I removed ErrorHandler process in one module to solve the compile error (actually, ErrorHandlingChild module). But when the error occurred in runtime, the application didn't call to "Display error" of ErrorHandler process in ErrorHandlingDemos --> I think it should show "Display error" of parent module.

Could we only define the ErrorHandler in parent module?

Thanks for supporting!

asked 07.10.2016 at 10:57

Hap%20Em's gravatar image

Hap Em
accept rate: 0%

edited 07.10.2016 at 11:12

Hello Bruno, Thanks for your response! I already done your solution. But I still get the problem with duplication the process "ErrorHandler" in parent and child module.

I want to have only one ErrorHandler in parent module --> If the child module occurs an exception, it'll call to ErrorHandler in parent module.


Thanks for your help!


answered 28.10.2016 at 09:51

Hap%20Em's gravatar image

Hap Em
accept rate: 0%

edited 28.10.2016 at 09:55

A project wide error handling process must have a name that starts with "Error". Then it catches errors in the project, that are not caught locally. So in your sample just rename the ErrorHandler process in the child project to something like "ErrorXYZ"


answered 27.10.2016 at 12:30

Bruno%20B%C3%BCtler's gravatar image

Bruno Bütler
accept rate: 68%

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Asked: 07.10.2016 at 10:57

Seen: 2,169 times

Last updated: 02.11.2016 at 12:28