Hello IvyTeam (and Everybody) Currently we have a cloud server which hosts an Ivy server. For the security reason, can I force the user to pass login credentials to access the index page of the server? I would like to use it in the HTTPS as well. Thank you very much.

asked 12.08.2016 at 05:02

nam_ha's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12.08.2016 at 05:04

The common way is not to make the ivy server public and access ivy only through an other webserver e.g. apache via AJP. See Integration chapter in the engine guide. Then you can configure your webserver as you like. E.g. with https, block content from outside or only give access to it with an login.


answered 12.08.2016 at 09:04

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

Thank you Christian Strebel, I will try to apply this way. Have a nice day.

(15.08.2016 at 04:33) nam_ha nam_ha's gravatar image

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Asked: 12.08.2016 at 05:02

Seen: 1,664 times

Last updated: 15.08.2016 at 04:33