How can we set more than one role as "Responsible role" on a Request Start element on the Request tab. Users with different roles (not able to organize under one commen role tree node) should see a process in the portal and should be able to start it.

My workaround at the moment is to define two different start elements, which are identical except the responsible role. It works, but... If one user holds both roles, he will see two identical processes.

Thanks for help.

asked 07.11.2019 at 09:49

Adrian%20Imfeld's gravatar image

Adrian Imfeld
accept rate: 77%

Hello @Adrian Imfeld

The only one practicable solution for this is to create a new role and link the other two roles.

  1. Go to Role Editor
  2. Create a new Role by clicking on New
  3. Select your new role
  4. Link the other two roles by Add

answered 07.11.2019 at 09:59

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

edited 07.11.2019 at 10:00

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Asked: 07.11.2019 at 09:49

Seen: 1,561 times

Last updated: 07.11.2019 at 10:00