Hello all, I have a question : Can I create a custom servlet filter (interceptor) and register it to Ivy Engine Server, so whenever a request is sent to the server, it must pass this custom filter (interceptor) first? And I also see that Ivy has some filter classes in package "ch.ivyteam.ivy.webserver.internal". So if I can register my custom filter, when does it intercept the request (before or after filter in the package above) ?.

A little bit about my problem : We have one case that whenever the admin changes the LDAP directory, if the user already logged in the application now no more exist in the new LDAP directory, the exception "PersistentObjectDeletedException" will be thrown. This exception happen when the filter in the package "ch.ivyteam.ivy.webserver.internal" start filtering the request!!

asked 25.07.2016 at 12:19

qtdan93's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Hi You can configure your own filters in the file webapps/ivy/WEB-INF/web.xml. The order of the filters is defined by the filter-mappings order. I assume that our filter-mappings are first then the filter-mappings defined in the web.xml. I'm not sure about this. You may want to test that yourself.

I'm a little bit confused about your use case. How often does an administrator change the LDAP directory in a productive server? Once a year? In normal case if the users have the same sAmAccountName they should not be deleted but migrated to the new LDAP directory.


Reto Weiss

ivyTeam Support


answered 25.07.2016 at 15:31

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

We don't really know, but we look at the end-user point of view : the user needs a friendly error page, and we need to handle it as a software engineer so ... as you know :D. Anyway thank you very much for ur answer

(26.07.2016 at 04:19) qtdan93 qtdan93's gravatar image

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Asked: 25.07.2016 at 12:19

Seen: 1,873 times

Last updated: 26.07.2016 at 04:19