Hi ,

in my project I've set the following conditions in the alternative gateway :

in.Login.givenpassword.matches(in.Login.parola.parola) !in.Login.givenpassword.matches(in.Login.parola.parola)

So it the password from the database is correct , it goes further , if password interrogated in the database is not correct the process goes to the alternative gateway to login again .

The problem is that it does not matter what I type in the password field as process goes on the same path : !in.Login.givenpassword.matches(in.Login.parola.parola)

What am I doing wrong ?

Regards, Anda

asked 27.04.2015 at 11:05

andachirita's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think matches(...) is the problem, this is used for Regex matching. Try to use equals() method.


answered 27.04.2015 at 15:51

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

He problem is that I cannot compare the attribute from the entity class against the value inserted in the database . If they do not match , process should enter in a loop and not go any further . If they match process can continue . That is why I've used the alternative gateway .

Hope it helps , Anda

(28.04.2015 at 07:22) andachirita andachirita's gravatar image

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Asked: 27.04.2015 at 11:05

Seen: 2,044 times

Last updated: 28.04.2015 at 07:22