
In an our Ivy project, we used Ivy trigger to execute many processes (to speed up our services). But it made the Ivy server being slow down so much when many processes are executed. So we use Java threads instead of Ivy trigger, but we get an error about "State of Task must be one of the following values CREATED, RESUMED but is ZOMBIE" sometimes.

Is anyone know how to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance

asked 24.07.2014 at 06:11

vydong's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This looks similar to Task Error


answered 24.07.2014 at 11:44

Daniel%20Oechslin's gravatar image

Daniel Oechslin
accept rate: 39%

Thanks Daniel. But Task Error you mentioned above is not my case. I do not do any login & logout in my process.

In my process, I have an Ivy event bean, I tried to use Java Threads on the Ivy event bean business process, but I got the error about "Can not access Ivy variable", then I changed to use Java Threads on Ivy event bean Java class and it is OK but I get the "task error" problem.

I am wondering that is it reasonable to use Java Threads on an Ivy process or not. What is the good way to execute a process asynchronously in Ivy?


answered 24.07.2014 at 12:55

vydong's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 24.07.2014 at 06:11

Seen: 2,982 times

Last updated: 24.07.2014 at 12:55