Hi IvyTeam,

We are working on project that listen on WorkflowSystemEvent to know when the Ivy Task was created/changed. Everything working fine if we are actively change the Ivy Task, but when the user are opening the task and then his session timeout, Ivy is able to reset the Task state to SUSPENDED, but it doesn't fire the WorkflowSystemEvent, cause our application don't know the Ivy Task had changed its state to SUSPENDED.

We are working on Axon.ivy 7.0.8

asked 18.04.2019 at 04:04

vinh_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

I can reproduce that the task state event is fired also on session timeouts. However, I see that in this case chances are pretty high that you face an EnvironmentNotAvailableException as many ivy APIs rely on a running Session, ProcessModelVersion and Task. Could it be that you have the same exceptions in your logs and therefore your listener code was not really executed?


answered 23.04.2019 at 03:57

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

I will check it again, I could manage the EnvironmentNotAvailableException, but in my case the Event was not fired at all. Did you check with Ivy Engine 7.0.8 Linux version.

(23.04.2019 at 23:34) vinh_ vinh_'s gravatar image

I tested it with 7.3.1 ... but I do not expect a significant change in this area between 7.0.X and 7.3

(24.04.2019 at 10:41) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

I just found a case may cause this issue, when I restart the Ivy Engine, is the event also fired?

(24.04.2019 at 23:13) vinh_ vinh_'s gravatar image

It could be that your listener registration is done after states have already been reseted. Can you share how you register for the event? Via programmed start event bean or with an IServerExtension?

(25.04.2019 at 03:22) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

You are correct about the EnvironmentNotAvaiableException we are using BusinessRepo in the Listener, it seem out of scope of the dependency injection, in Axon.ivy 7.0.8, the error is not show in the Runtime Log, but in the Error windows. The good news is when we upgrade to 7.0.11, the issue has gone.

(15.05.2019 at 10:30) vinh_ vinh_'s gravatar image

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Asked: 18.04.2019 at 04:04

Seen: 1,808 times

Last updated: 15.05.2019 at 10:31