If a task expires I want to send an email to the user responsible. Unfortunately I do not find a way to get the user/role assigned for the expired task. If I use ivy.task.getActivator(), ivy.task.getOriginalActivator() or ivy.task.getWorkerUser() then always SYSTEM is returned. I would expect here the user/role of the task before the expiration. So how do I get this user/role?

asked 01.06.2011 at 09:08

Matthias%20Lang's gravatar image

Matthias Lang
accept rate: 0%

If you ask for ivy.task in the exception process you will get SYSTEM returned because the exception runs in a SYSTEM task.

If you call ivy.case.getActiveTasks() in the exception process, then you get all the active tasks of the current case. The last entry in the list will be the current SYSTEM task of the running exception. Filter for the expired task(s) in this list to get your expired task. If there are more than one, then you may need to filter for additional criteria.

Another workaround is to store the resposnible user/role into a member of the process data before reaching a task switch. In the exception you still can access this data and work with it.


answered 06.06.2011 at 09:08

Bruno%20B%C3%BCtler's gravatar image

Bruno Bütler
accept rate: 68%

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Asked: 01.06.2011 at 09:08

Seen: 2,739 times

Last updated: 01.06.2011 at 09:08