There is a process we want to start as system user. Target of the process is work with some tasks - therefore we can not create a specific user and reuse it. Is there a way to log in as system user on a server?

Thanks for the fish =)

asked 03.06.2014 at 13:43

skilchenmann's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 03.06.2014 at 13:43


I do not understand your problem. Can you describe it in more details or other words?

(03.06.2014 at 14:30) Reto Weiss ♦♦ Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

You can execute a process as SYSTEM user with a trigger.

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In the start of the process you want to execute as the SYSTEM user deactivate the request start (in the request tab) and enable the trigger start as shown below.

Make sure to select SYSTEM in the Responsible Role / User select box.

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This process can then be started with a Trigger element (Activity > Trigger). But note that this will start the process synchronously, so you won't be able to handle results of it in the process which called it. And if you're using overrides, the executeAsSystem process has to be located in the override project, otherwise the default subs and richdialogs are used in the triggered process.

alt text


answered 03.06.2014 at 16:15

Lars%20Tuchel's gravatar image

Lars Tuchel
accept rate: 60%

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Asked: 03.06.2014 at 13:43

Seen: 2,225 times

Last updated: 03.06.2014 at 16:15