To analyze deadlocks in my code (and in Xpert.ivy) or endless loops it is useful to get a thread dump. The thread dump contains information about each thread, the locks it owns, the locks it is waiting for and the whole java callstack of the thread. A thread dumps looks like this:
How can I take a thread dump of Xpert.ivy Server? |
There are multiple ways to take a thread dump: JPS and JSTACK If the server is not running as Windows Service you can use the command line tools jps and jstack from a Java Developer Kit (JDK). First execute jps to see what java virtual maschines are running on your maschine:
Then execute jstack with the pid of java virtual maschine executing the ServerLauncher.
Visual VM If the server is not running as Windows Service you can use the Java Developer Kit tool VisualVM
Windows Service and Visual VM Because a Xpert.ivy Server running as Windows Service is not running with the same user as JPS or VisualVM it is not visible to them because of security reasons. However, to take a thread dump of an Xpert.ivy Server running as Windows Service you have to setup Xpert.ivy Server using JMX. Afterwards you can connect with VisualVM to the Xpert.ivy Server running as Windows Service. A detailed describtion how to use VisualVM with Xpert.ivy Server running as Windows Service can be found here. |
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Asked: 03.06.2014 at 12:15
Seen: 5,383 times
Last updated: 19.06.2023 at 10:30