
I followed the directives to debug a remote server, as described in How can I debug my Java class in the Designer?.

That works well, I can set breakpoints on Java class statements, and debug the code.

I would like to know if it possible to also debug a RD process by setting breakpoints on process elements?

I don't see how to have my breakpoints stop when they are executed. I started the engine, but that does not work.

asked 14.11.2014 at 09:58

A1234's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

Hi Adriano

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

If you connect to a remote server for debugging you are using Java debugging technology. Process element breakpoints are special breakpoints that are only available in Axon.ivy and has nothing to do with Java breakpoints. Therefore, the process element breakpoints are not installed on the remote server.


answered 17.11.2014 at 09:26

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 14.11.2014 at 09:58

Seen: 2,088 times

Last updated: 17.11.2014 at 09:26