We do some broadcast calls from plain Java, with an self written EventSubscriber for Event Start elements. This EventSubscriber catches an identifier and works fine in the Designer. It looks to works fine on the server as well. The EventSubscriber extends AbstractProcessStartEventBean which extends IProcessStartEventBean.

Is this also works correctly when we run the server as a cluster? We expect that the event is starting just ones.

asked 28.05.2014 at 14:27

Adrian%20Imfeld's gravatar image

Adrian Imfeld
accept rate: 77%

closed 10.06.2014 at 08:57

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by Adrian Imfeld 10.06.2014 at 08:57

Taken from Ivy Document:

How Process Start Event Beans work on a Xpert.ivy Cluster Server

A Xpert.ivy Cluster Server consists of multiple server instances (nodes) that are running on different machines.

Normally process start event beans are instantiated on every node but only started on the master node. This guarantees that for each Event Start process element only one bean is running, no matter what the total number of nodes in the cluster server is.

However, if you need your process start event bean to be started on all cluster nodes, you may instruct the server to do so. Just have your bean class implement the (empty) marker interface IMultiNodeCapable and the above restriction will no longer apply.

Please be aware of the fact that having multiple running instances of the same bean may lead to race conditions.

Your EventSubscriber will work only on Master Node and instantiated once. If you have multiple ProcessModelVersion in your system, then the Ivy Server will guarentee only the EventSubscriber of the active PMV is running.


answered 30.05.2014 at 08:15

Genzer%20Hawker's gravatar image

Genzer Hawker
accept rate: 66%

edited 30.05.2014 at 08:17

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Asked: 28.05.2014 at 14:27

Seen: 2,000 times

Last updated: 10.06.2014 at 08:57