I would like to overwrite the default settings of the patterns. We use the default ivyPortal in the German-language settings. How can i replace the default 'comma' by a dot? And the 'comma' by a inverted comma (Without replacing it in every HTML ?)

(7.654.321,123-> 7'654'321.123)

kind regards

asked 27.07.2020 at 11:14

JensH's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi JensH,

Your format is in de_CH, so you can replace German by German (Switzerland).

Right click on PortalStyle --> Properties --> Axon.ivy --> Content Management --> "New ..." and add German (Switzerland) . After that, to translate CMS entries for de_CH, you can copy German CMS entries, delete German if you don't need it, refer to Language Settings

Hope it helps.


answered 28.07.2020 at 03:42

dolong's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Hi dolong,

thank you, it worked perfectly! with kind regards.

(28.07.2020 at 06:06) JensH JensH's gravatar image

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Asked: 27.07.2020 at 11:14

Seen: 2,251 times

Last updated: 28.07.2020 at 06:06