
It seems there is some bug with the sidebar. When you initially open the portal, the top element of the menu is selected and white. However when you switch to another menu item, the first one should lose the "active" style and the selected menu item should get it. This doesn't work so when you click another menu item the first one properly loses the "active-menuitem" class, but when the page refreshes to display the new content, then the first menu again gets the class "active-menuitem" so it is still highlighted. Furthermore the currently selected menu item correctly gets the "active-menuitem" class, but still doesn't get the proper style applied, because it has additional styling applied which overwrites the background.

alt text

asked 20.12.2019 at 02:29

xchatter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

hi @xchatter,

For Sidebar menu of Portal, we always highlight the application menu(in this case it's designer item), if we select another submenu item(such as processes, tasks, cases, statistics item), we will highlight that submenu item, that means we will have 2 items are highlighted, this is Portal's feature. The application item just disable if you login into other application (that means you configured multiple apps) So you cannot disable the main menu item(designer) if you didn't use multi applications Thanks!


answered 20.12.2019 at 03:33

Nam%20Mai's gravatar image

Nam Mai
accept rate: 66%

Thank you for your response. :)

(20.12.2019 at 04:17) xchatter xchatter's gravatar image

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Asked: 20.12.2019 at 02:29

Seen: 1,550 times

Last updated: 20.12.2019 at 04:17