I would like to add an additional Aspose module to my Ivy project. How do I do that and is the additional module covered by the integrated Aspose licence?

asked 02.07.2020 at 02:52

Oliver%20Heer's gravatar image

Oliver Heer
accept rate: 57%

Since Ivy version 8 the DocFactory is included in the product, you can find the documentation here: https://developer.axonivy.com/documentation/doc-factory-doc/8.0.0/

You are allowed to add additional Aspose modules to your Ivy project. Note that the included Aspose licence is only valid in correlation to Ivy, you are not allowed to extract it.

To add an additional module you can download it from the Aspose website and add it to your Ivy project, you then have to load the new module in your code to use it.

For example if you want to load the Aspose Slides module:

com.aspose.slides.License lic = new com.aspose.slides.License();

answered 02.07.2020 at 02:54

Oliver%20Heer's gravatar image

Oliver Heer
accept rate: 57%

wikified 02.07.2020 at 02:56

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SupportIvyTeam ♦♦

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Asked: 02.07.2020 at 02:52

Seen: 9,704 times

Last updated: 02.07.2020 at 02:57