Hello Ivy Team

I'm using project-build-plugin with version 8.0.0 in my project But when I build project by maven. The maven can not find some packages in Axon.ivy Libraries EX: ch.ivyteam.ivy.environment,

alt text

alt text

It also happen when I use DatatypeConverter class in package javax.xml.bind

Please help me to resolve it.


asked 18.02.2020 at 05:17

anhle's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19.02.2020 at 02:32

looks like the standard maven compiler. Is it? Or are you compiling with the project-build-plugin?

(18.02.2020 at 07:28) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

I'm using project-build-plugin with version 8.0.0

(18.02.2020 at 20:53) anhle anhle's gravatar image

As the log output shows the 'maven-compiler-plugin' is being used to compile java sources that rely upon the ivy-core.

As the execution fails, one can check two things:

  • the project-build-plugin must execute the share-engine-classpath goal before the maven-compiler-plugin runs. You can check that by examining the normal maven log outputs, does the share-engine-classpath show up before the maven-compiler-plugin? are there any errors/warnings logged?: http://axonivy.github.io/project-build-plugin/release/8.0/share-engine-core-classpath-mojo.html

  • second; as you had this setup already with 7.X. Check that maven-compiler-plugin is correctly configured. Use the latest available version of the plugin and verify, that java source and target version are set to '11'.

If you need more help, share the effective POM of this project > open 'pom.xml' in Maven Pom Editor of the Designer > click tab 'effective-pom'.


answered 19.02.2020 at 04:17

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 19.02.2020 at 06:55

Thanks Reguel Wermelinger

(21.02.2020 at 03:57) anhle anhle's gravatar image

Hello Reguel Wermelinger

Sorry for feedback your answer late. I checked two things:

  • 1) the project-build-plugin must execute the share-engine-classpath goal before the maven-compiler-plugin runs alt text

  • second; as you had this setup already with 7.X. No I config for Ivy version 8.0.2, Designer 8.0.2, JDK 11 and build plugin 8.0.0

I checked two things but build maven also fail as Image I updated on my question.


answered 23.02.2020 at 23:39

anhle's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 18.02.2020 at 05:17

Seen: 4,113 times

Last updated: 23.02.2020 at 23:39